Very rarely do we change into regular clothes. Jammies are so much more comfy and why dirty more clothes.
Speaking of dirty clothes. At any given moment I usually have about seven or eight loads to get done. Where do all these clothes come from?
Cleaning is not something I enjoy. In fact, I despise cleaning. And because of that my house is trashed about 99.9% of the time. I don't mean nasty plates everywhere and garbage piled high. I just mean you will step on about ten toys on your way to the bathroom. Just watch out for the GI Joe. That guy hurts.
Baby gates are a great invention. Not only do they keep children corralled like wild horses where they are safe but they also provide a great way of keeping at least one area of the house clean!
We consume way more than the recommended serving amount of marshmallows and pb&j sandwiches. You can't have one without the other and we eat that meal at least once a day!
Most times I am walking around with one shaved leg and one fuzzy leg. We can blame that on the two year old coming in demanding he needs more chocolate milk before he dies and the dog has to take him to the hospital. Or the husband coming in with the baby letting me know that he has, once again, pooped in his diaper. After the long conversation about color, consistency, amount and the dreadful smell the hot water is gone and so is my window of opportunity to shave the other leg. Thank God for slacks come Sunday mornings!
While on the topic of showers...they are a rare indulgence. I can count on getting one on Wednesday evening and Sunday morning but the other five days are a complete toss up. Same goes with the kids.
Sometimes I blame the messy house on the kids. Claiming they were totally out of control or really needy so I didn't have time to clean. That one doesn't really work!
I'm guilty of leaving the place a complete mess until five minutes before my husband walks in the door. Then there's a mad dash to get all the toys put away, dirty clothes where they belong, sippy cups in the sink and marshmallows off the floor.
There are SO many more confessions that I really should fess up to but for the meantime I will leave you with just those and come back later with lots more! Off to tidy up the house...
What is the Meaning of Unconditional Love?
2 days ago
Phew!!! I am so glad its not just me. :0)
I love this post!
Some days as a SAHM I feel like I'm really on target and other days I feel like I should just be grateful I found time to get dressed!
Tyra, I love you! I love reading your blog. I cannot wait to be a mother and wife (again) some day. I learn so much from you every day and am truly inspired by you.
Hahaha... YESSsssss... I love it, I feel so much better now! It's not just me! You rock for your honesty lady! (p.s. I'm pgkcb13 on DS :)
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