Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me! Monday

It's MONDAY! So far so good. I've actually been up since 6:30 and I am in a good mood. Shocker, I know. It couldn't be from the Vanilla Coke that I did NOT drink at 6:31am!

In case you don't remember, MckMama is the genius behind this wondeful thing. Go on, check it out!

I am NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT seriously furious at the fact that I totally did NOT forget to stay up till midnight and register for the all-day crop at church. It is NOT full and I do NOT have to be put on the waiting list. I am NOT seriously, beyond words, ANNOYED

This week I was NOT a lazy fool who mostly sat around in my jammies all day. I'm certainly better than that and shower every day!

I did NOT buy Bear a pair of super cute Superman jammies and after I did NOT buy them I did NOT let him wear the {stinking} things for three days-straight. I mean, come on, I take better care of my children than that.

{I did NOT just post this picture for the second time this week!}

After being invited to a little mom + child{ren} pool party I did NOT wear my 'mom-suit.' And while in said 'mom-suit' I did NOT allow anyone to take a picture of me. NOR did I allow myself to post it here for all the world to see laugh at! I will also NOT be looking for a new one right after posting this!

Last night I did NOT love the idea Papa Bear came up with. And because I did NOT love that idea I was NOT all giddy that I got to take both kids with me to church while Papa Bear stayed home to clean. I still do NOT love his idea!

And lastly

I did NOT stay up past my bed time {do I even have one?} reading all about gardening. I mean...ALL ABOUT it. I was NOT the least bit interested in Square Food Gardening. I must NOT ever admit this to my Bear-in-law {cool name for the father-in-law!} for he will NOT laugh at me. He has NOT been trying to get me to garden for at least five years. I certainly can't forget to mention that while I was NOT looking at a gazillion websites about NOT gardening I was also NOT lookign at starting a worm farm. Gross, I mean really?!

{sadly, I really don't have any picutes of random people this week.}


Chelsie said...

I too did NOT spend my week in PJs! Happy Not Me Monday!

Me The Q said...

I would not let my child wear cute pj's for days either (and we do not have that same exact toy that Bear is standing on)!

Unknown said...

gotta have some PJ days!

Stopping by from NMM!